A Few Changes

A Few Changes

As I started a new job in October I'm anticipating to learn a lot of things in a short timespan in the coming weeks, and because in the past I was bad about writing stuff down I've resolved to do better and write stuff down. Or not let what I wrote down rot in a couple of files called ~/Documents/notes.md that wer kept for a year or longer at at time. Maybe I can even extract some knowledge from some of these old ones...

So there's a new category on this site: TIL with small snippets of knowledge, in the hopes that cleaning up my notes for publishing will be enough of a repetition to help memorize it.

The name was inspired by Simon Willison: TIL when I saw a post on Lobsters recently and remembered I'd seen the site before. So I guess the concept is not new or unique, in my old blog I posted small bits of knowledge interspersed with normal blog posts and long articles all the time, but for some reason over 10 years ago I stopped.

Fun side story: I wasn't 100% sure if my own static stite generator would be able to handle this new category with all its differences or if I had hardcoded too much. It seemed to work, I was just missing support for tags, but even for that I found a branch from September 2023 which mostly did what it should already.

The second thing is that I tweaked the CSS a bit. Ran the W3C validator, removed the moz-box-shadow et al that have probably been in there for 10 years, and cleaned up the header section. Time will tell if I like it enough to keep it. Also the breadcrumbs are gone for now.